Abnormal Bleeding Specialist

John A. Whitfield, MD
Gynecology and Gynecologic Surgery located in Fort Worth, TX
Dr. John A. Whitfield uses the most current technology to determine the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding for women throughout the Fort Worth area in Texas. Once testing is complete, he takes time to understand your concerns, your situation, and your symptoms so that he may provide the most effective and appropriate treatment to give you the optimal quality of life. Call the office or request an appointment online with Dr. Whitfield today.
Abnormal Bleeding Q & A
What is abnormal uterine bleeding?
Abnormal uterine bleeding is any bleeding from the uterus (through your vagina) other than your normal monthly period that should last typically 4-7 days. Very heavy bleeding during your period or a period that lasts more than seven days is also considered abnormal. Abnormal uterine bleeding can also be spotting between periods, bleeding after intercourse, or an absence of periods not caused by menopause.
What causes abnormal uterine bleeding?
Abnormal uterine bleeding can have one of the multiple causes. In many cases, abnormal uterine bleeding occurs as a result of hormonal fluctuations. Dr. Whitfield commonly sees abnormal uterine bleeding during perimenopause, the months and years preceding menopause. Other times, abnormal bleeding may occur as a result of uterine fibroids, polyps, pregnancy, changes in birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy, breastfeeding, and sometimes precancerous conditions and cancer.
What tests can find the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding?
The tests Dr. Whitfield administers often depend on your age and situation. After a thorough history and physical exam, additional testing may include blood work, a sonogram, and a biopsy. Additional testing may include a hysteroscopy in which a narrow scope is used to look inside the uterus for polyps, fibroids and anything suspicious. Fortunately, all of these can be done in the convenience our location.
From the results of your evaluation, Dr. Whitfield will be able to offer a variety of in-office tests and procedures relating to abnormal uterine bleeding: ultrasound; hysteroscopy; minimally invasive options, such as endometrial ablation, NovaSure, biopsy, Her Option cryoablation; and even, hysterectomy.
How is abnormal uterine bleeding treated?
There are several treatment options for abnormal bleeding, depending on the cause of your bleeding, reproductive status, and your age. Dr. Whitfield will help you decide which treatment is right for you. Here the most common treatments:
- Hormonal treatment with birth control pills, NuvaRing or progesterone – This will regulate your hormones and can often stop abnormal bleeding.
- Hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) - Another option Dr. Whitfield doctor may suggest, is a hormonal IUD, which is a small device that is inserted into your uterus through your vagina to prevent pregnancy and can help control abnormal bleeding.
- Removal of polyps or fibroids – If the cause of your bleeding is from polyps or fibroids, these can usually be removed with minimally invasive techniques in the day-surgery setting allowing a quick recovery and return to normal daily functions.
- Novasure endometrial ablation – This procedure destroys the lining of the uterus to decrease menstrual flow. Dr. Whitfield will determine if you are a candidate for this procedure.
- Her Option cryoablation – This is another option to decrease menstrual blood flow. Dr. Whitfield performs this procedure in office for heavy uterine bleeding or periods.
- Hysterectomy - This surgery removes the uterus. If you have a hysterectomy, you won’t have any more periods, and you won’t be able to get pregnant.
If you have abnormal uterine bleeding, you can be evaluated by speak to Dr. Whitfield immediately. There are long-term effects of continuous bleeding. For an appointment, consultation or second opinion, call the office or request an appointment online today.